Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tech Standards in Education

The 2002 technology standards would be seen as outdated if looked at by someone from 2009. Terms like telecommunications and information access could mean anything by today's standards. Plus, who uses the word telecommunications anyway? And what does information literacy skills exactly mean....
Here's a link for the standards if you're curious:
2002 Standards

So then how did these standards come about? Russia and the Cold War, apparently. At least the idea for the internet dates back to then. Indiana Jones, anyone?

Here's a short video on the history of the internet (I promise you it's actually interesting and well done):

So since then the standards have been updated in this 2008 version:
2008 Standards

Luckily, someone realized the need for student-centered learning instead of teacher-centered and the standards were made to reflect that. Teachers started showing students how to use the technology instead of just employing it in lectures with things, such as PowerPoint. I wish teachers had been this up to date on computers and the like when I was in high school, it would have saved me a lot of heartache. I could probably understand topics better if Youtube was as popular then as it is now. Plus, I could have turned in assignments online, so convenient. Furthermore, the new standards are much more specific and better defined than the old ones. Just using the technology is not enough, you have to be able to show others how to use it too.


  1. As the internet and technology expand at an exponential rate, it is vital that educators not only keep pace, but also anticipate the ways in which technology can be beneficial in the classroom. Your post highlights this need nicely through the use of the video on the history of the internet and through the posting of standards, both archaic and current.

  2. I agree with you comments on technology back when I was in high school, the only thing I learned to do way type. When I got to college I was so behind on technology it was scary. I learned a lot from working in the computer lab as a work study student. As time progress so does technology and I still feel like I'm behind the times.

  3. i do remember being in school and learning typing, but not much else! in fact, was a student leader/ta for a college level course, and we had a lot of students who struggled with basic research. we need to change that before they get to college!
