Friday, November 27, 2009

Make Your Own Ecosphere/Biosphere

How many of us can afford those frog-o-spheres ($40) or ecospheres ($60) at Brookstone? I know, I can't. So what's the next best solution to this? Making your own!!!  What's the difference between your inexpensive one and the ones you can buy in the store? It's cheaper and more efficient and I can guarantee your little critters will live longer.

DIY Science offers a nice explanation and choice here.
Or if you want to learn a little bit more about ecospheres, but are not quite sure you want one you can check out DIY Science's virtual ecosphere here. It will give you a virtual reading of what will happen to your ecosphere over time. Watch out! Oxygen starvation is the number one cause of death in a self-sustaining ecosystem.

Need a visual explanation, then visit KQED.
Still having a hard time? Check out tabletop biosphere from Make magazine volume 10 page 110 (the visuals). It has some really nice pictures and instructions so it's easy to follow.

Go forth and make your very own ecosphere!

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